Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Who needs a floaty, We have Jesus!

This whole being a voice for something is a little new to me, so I have been sorting out the best way to do this.  And when I say sorting out, I mean down on my knees begging God to show me what this looks like, and seeking advice from others who may have wisdom to shed.  I can tell you that I still don’t know quite yet, so this may be trial and error for a while as we figure it out.  We have identical twin boys.  They look the same but are extremely different in so many ways.  When the boys were learning to swim, we had one just jump in and flail around until finally he started swimming….it was not pretty or text book but he took the risk and finally figured it out..and to be honest a pretty good swimmer to date. The other one jumped in one time and sunk to the bottom [and yes dad rescued him] and never jumped in again without a floaty until he figured out how to swim in his head.   Then one day he jumped in and swam and it was text book perfect!  He was not going to let anyone see him sweat.  Well, you can only guess which boy took after me…….yes, the first.  The one that makes mistakes where everyone can see and figures out everything trial and error…never internally.  So with that being said that is exactly how I’m going to figure THIS out!  It will not be text book or picture perfect and it will change and change and change until we figure out what works best and then it will change again! 

For now this is going to be the blog to follow for updates on Casa Canaan.  They do not have a website, so this blog is going to be the best place for updates!  I added a place on the side of the blog where you can put your email address and follow.    I will of course post through social media, but following it via email will be the best way to get the updates!  

Our friends Clint and Karen are on the front lines in Chiapas, Mexico every day!  And for the most part, they are sending me updates and pictures of what all God is doing there.  [Just a side note…..God opened Clint and Karen’s eyes to CC about a year ago and what a blessing they have been.  With their gifts of hospitality, administration, and many more, the people in Chiapas are truly blessed!  Lives are being changed through these 2 amazing people.]

We’ve been praying and believing for more children to come to CC and also more support in all kinds of ways…..and we will continue, because literally the day I sent out that first post, Carlos and Yara took in another child and his story is beautiful:

Juan Gabriel [13 years old] joined the Casa Canaan family a few short days ago.  His parents died when he was very young and because there was no relative to raise him he was put into the hands of the Mexican government.  In one of the many orphanages he was in, he encountered a christian that led him to Jesus. Shortly after he was saved that director was replaced by a corrupt man that got arrested and shut the orphanage down.  Juan Gabriel went from place to place hoping each place was his new home, but was never fully content.  Yara had actually met this little guy a few years back and they had a wonderful connection and she even told him about CC.  To make a long story short, this boy had been asking the Lord to send him to Casa Canaan for 2 years because he knew they offered education, which is rare, but more than that they offered Jesus!  By the grace of God, Juan Gabriel is at home at CC!    

What’s even more exciting is another child is in the process of coming to CC as I write to you today!  God is at work and I am so excited that he has allowed us to see and be apart.  

Juan Gabriel is on the far right!  Welcome home JG.  You are just beautiful and loved by God.   

To give financially to CC:
Then choose what payment option works best for you.  100% of the money that you give will go to Casa Hogar Canaan.  I PROMISE!

1 comment:

  1. I love Juan Gabriels story! Oh my word, how many times have I stopped praying because it "took too long"? I hope one day he sees how his perseverance in his faith will be an encouragement to others. Praise God!
